21-Aug-2024 |



The DRC-009, a Smart Grid IoT Device for Ring Main Unit Control

DRC-009 is an advanced smart grid IoT device designed for Ring Main Unit (RMU) control. It streamlines power distribution management through advanced remote-control capabilities, reducing the need for on-site visits, mitigating operational time and costs, and minimizing energy losses. By offering real-time monitoring and enabling quick decision-making, the DRC-009 enhances grid reliability, optimizes energy usage, and reduces maintenance risks significantly.



Key Features

  • Monitoring the system status and switch information.
  • Remotely control Trip/Close switchgear of RMU via the PLUM App or RPM Grid System.
  • Instant Alarm Notification for Fuse Break, CB Trip, MV Absence, Phase & Earth Fault.
  • Call-Control function to Trip/Close the switchgear and check the switchgear position.
  • Google Map View the location of DRC-009.



Why does the utility need to use DRC-009 for the Ring Main Unit?


Standard Operation Smart Grid Operation with DRC-009
- Manual switch operation poses risks for the operators. - Remote control up to 8 switches of the RMU switchgear anytime and anywhere via the PLUM App or RPM Grid System and enable to call control function.
- Spending a long time to travel to the RMU location results in wastage of operational costs. - Reducing the operational cost and spending seconds for Trip/Close the switchgears, checking system status, and monitoring the switch information.
- Unable to quickly obtain information on faults such as fuse break, MV absence, phase & earth fault. - Receive instant alarm notifications in the event of faults.
- Managing the numerous RMU locations across the country is challenging. - Easy to view the location of DRC-009 that equipped with RMU via Google Map.